
Our Role

ZYX offers training and consultancy to understand situations and challenges more completely and more accurately, to improve decision making and to strengthen project and risk management capabilities, making desirable outcomes more likely.

In other words 'to thrive on uncertainty'.

ZXY's services have been developed to be readily understood and used by anyone that is required to make non-trivial decisions, irrespective of background, position or seniority.

Irrespective of context, the value of putting ZYX's training into practice is obvious. There is no need for training manuals that gather dust. It is highly practical.


Our Values

ZYX is committed to:

  • understanding the client and the client's needs
  • agreeing and delivering what is most beneficial rather than to 'sell'
  • being flexible as the client's needs evolve
  • working in an inclusive and collaborative manner
  • being open
  • charging fees at a competitive rate and on a fixed price basis wherever possible.


Our People

Unsurprisingly, ZYX employs individuals that are client focussed, committed, energetic and passionate.

In addition, all of ZYX's employees offer the following:

  • major achievement that has been built upon both successes and overcoming failures
  • expertise and experience in one or more areas of business
  • an eagerness to continue to learn, discover and update skills
  • the intelligence, openness and humility to see situations 'as they are'; for example, recognising that a particular success was primarily due to good fortune rather than skill.





Simple questions that encourage thinking from different perspectives, that increase understanding and identify uncertainties





 "The true expert recognises uncertainty, in the assumptions made and along the boundary between what is and isn't fully understood!"





"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
W.S. Churchill